Recent Developments in DB&IS (Seminar)

In order to attend, students must follow the registration process outlined below. Each chosen student will be assigned a research paper that they must present in a 45-minute talk, followed by a Q&A session. The presentation and Q&A will be conducted exclusively in English. Finally, students are required to submit a brief 4-page report on the paper within two weeks of the presentation.

Registration Process

  • We offer two levels of seminar papers: Bachelor's and Master's.
  • Master students must choose from the Master's level papers, while bachelor's students can choose any paper from the list below.
  • To register, download the JSON template, rename it to {yourmatriculationnumber}.json, fill the details, and send it via email under Contact.
  • We'll announce the kick-off meeting date once registration is complete. The meeting is mandatory and will cover organizational aspects.



  • Registration: 11-10-2024
  • First Meeting with Supervisor & Summary:
  • No-left-todo slides:
  • Camera-ready slides:
  • Seminar Presentation dates:
  • Final report submission:


  • 09/09/2024 - Papers published.
  • 28/08/2024 - Webpage created.

Papers (Masters)

1CHORUS: Foundation Models for Unified Data Discovery and Exploration
2ROME: Robust Query Optimization via Parallel Multi-Plan Execution
3Cornus: atomic commit for a cloud DBMS with storage disaggregation
4Slalom: Coasting Through Raw Data via Adaptive Partitioning and Indexing
5Sieve: A Learned Data-Skipping Index for Data Analytics
6ALECE: An Attention-based Learned Cardinality Estimator for SPJ Queries on Dynamic Workloads
7Blitzcrank: Fast Semantic Compression for In-memory Online Transaction Processing


Papers (Bachelors)

1On schema matching with opaque column names and data values
2Robust query processing through progressive optimization
3Weaving Relations for Cache Performance
4C-store: a column-oriented DBMS
5How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really?
6Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS.