Recent Developments in DB&IS (Seminar)

In order to attend, students must follow the registration process outlined below. Each chosen student will be assigned a research paper that they must present in a 45-minute talk, followed by a Q&A session. The presentation and Q&A will be conducted exclusively in English. Finally, students are required to submit a brief 4-page report on the paper within two weeks of the presentation.

Registration Process

  • We offer two levels of seminar papers: Bachelor's and Master's.
  • Master students must choose from the Master's level papers, while bachelor's students can choose any paper from the list below.
  • To register, download the JSON template, rename it to {yourmatriculationnumber}.json, fill the details, and send it via email under Contact.
  • We'll announce the kick-off meeting date once registration is complete. The meeting is mandatory and will cover organizational aspects.



  • Registration: 11-10-2024
  • First Meeting with Supervisor & Summary:
  • No-left-todo slides:
  • Camera-ready slides:
  • Seminar Presentation dates:
  • Final report submission:


  • 22/02/2025 - Final report template uploaded.
  • 20/02/2025, 21/02/2025 - Presentations.
  • 22/10/2024 - Kick-off meeting slides & summary template uploaded.
  • 15/10/2024 - Kick-off meeting announced (22.10.2024 10:30-11:30 AM).
  • 15/10/2024 - Papers assigned.
  • 09/09/2024 - Papers published.
  • 28/08/2024 - Webpage created.

Papers (Masters)

1CHORUS: Foundation Models for Unified Data Discovery and ExplorationAwani Rawat
2ROME: Robust Query Optimization via Parallel Multi-Plan ExecutionManas Lalit Mahajan
4Slalom: Coasting Through Raw Data via Adaptive Partitioning and IndexingSuma Keerthi
7Blitzcrank: Fast Semantic Compression for In-memory Online Transaction ProcessingRoman Popa
8C-store: a column-oriented DBMSTharindu Ruchira
9RECA: Related Tables Enhanced Column Semantic Type Annotation FrameworkIsrael Joseph Blessingh


Papers (Bachelors)

1Robust query processing through progressive optimizationAnnika Delb
2Weaving Relations for Cache PerformanceMansour Emami
3How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really?Paula Nebgen
4Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases using BANKS.Valeria Warga